Legal notice
In compliance with Spanish Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Information Society Services and ECommerce, users of the website (hereinafter, the “website“) are hereby informed of the following general information:
- The information society service provider is ZAHONERO VIRIGILI, S.L. (hereinafter, “ZAHONERO“), a company headquartered at:
Polígono Industrial Campo Alto, Avenida Benelux, 91 (Spain).
ZAHONERO’s Tax ID Number is B03987120.
- ZAHONERO is registered with the Commercial Registry of Alicante, Volume 1,767, Sheet 182, Pave A- 30,391, 1st
- Website users may establish direct and effective communication with ZAHONERO by sending a written communication to the address set forth in the first section of this Legal Notice, and by using any of the following methods:
- Telephone: +34 965 394 011
- E-mail: (*)
(*) Excessive personal data, or personal data that is not updated or incompatible with ZAHONERO’S activity shall not be accepted. You are hereby informed that if your request to establish a contact relationship with ZAHONERO does not meet these requirements, your data will be automatically destroyed.